Tokenlab Provides Tools for Blockchain Project Development
WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, USA, January 23, 2019 / — The Expanse.TechTM Project today announced the launch of Tokenlab, a blockchain-based platform that provides tools for token and smart contract creation and management. Expanse is building an ecosystem to support the entire lifecycle of a blockchain-based project, from idea through exchange listing.
Using Tokenlab’s self-service features, it takes only about 20 minutes and six easy steps to mint a token. Fees for using the service are paid in the native tokens EXP (Expanse) and LAB (Tokenlab).
“We are putting an ecosystem into place to help blockchain entrepreneurs build their businesses,” said Christopher Franko, Expanse CEO and Founder. “Tokenlab operates behind the scenes to work the magic required to create the smart contracts and deploy them on the Expanse blockchain. You no longer have to be a developer to start a blockchain-based business.”
New to the Tokenlab strategy is a marketplace comprised of dApps created to help developers build their businesses. It’s comprised of useful utilities, including Airdrop, KYC and Crowd Sale management tools. The dApps are accessible via the self-service administration panel. They can also be licensed and launched on other platforms. dApps are added as they are completed.
“Along-side the rest of the industry, Expanse cautiously adjusted to market events and regulatory changes in 2018, fine-tuning the Tokenlab strategy along the way,” said Franko. “Tokenlab is big and impactful. We are proud of how it has taken shape and anxious to demonstrate to our supporters, especially those that participated in our crowd sale, that our commitment has not wavered, and the potential is unlimited.”
To learn more about Tokenlab, visit our website,