Lots of news and updates this month while we’re preparing for the London Hard Fork. We will be sharing lots of resources to support our users and developers with the EIP-1559 rollout on MetaMask. Keep an eye out on our Twitter account for updates. |
Mobile App Changes
To further tighten security of your MetaMask wallet, in future, you will experience a forced logout and re-authentication requirement. This means you will periodically need to enter your password to unlock your MetaMask mobile wallet & enable biometrics. More information can be found here.
Anyone with iOS MetaMask can add this shortcut to add an “Open in MetaMask” option to their share window. Makes it really easy to open any site in-app. |
The first ever EIP-1559 compatible transaction… on MetaMask#Ethereum As everyone is getting ready for the London Hard Fork, the first ever EIP-1559 transaction occurred on MetaMask on the Ropsten testnet.
MetaMask Swaps Now Available on Polygon⇄ #Swaps In case you missed it: you can now expand your MetaMask Swaps journey on the Polygon network. Want to know how to add Polygon to your wallet? Here’s a step-by-step guide. |
Enabling DeFi for Institutions
MetaMask Institutional, which enables institutional investors to securely and efficiently deploy capital into DeFi, released the DeFi for Institutions report. If you want to learn more about the surge in institutional adoption of blockchain and digital assets; the opportunities emerging in the DeFi space; the challenges of institutional engagement in DeFi; and ways in which institutions can participate in DeFi, you’ll love this report. |
New Extension and App Releases
The Fox doesn’t sleep. Want to know what we’ve been working on? Check out some of our updates from the new releases we launched this month:
Useful Reads
This one is for our developers: @jacobedawson created a great tutorial about how to build a Web3 Dapp in React to login with MetaMask. As he says “[a] lot of tutorials skip this basic login strategy”. We agree, Jacob, and we think it’s fairly crucial to get this part right.
We all know someone who can use a step-by-step guide to set up their MetaMask account and use some of the core functionalities (read: Swaps, adding Custom Tokens, adding Custom Networks and exploring Dapps). Pass them on Manbir’s article and they should be ready to browse Web3 in no-time.
Unless you were cut off from the internet for the last few months, it would’ve been hard to miss Axie Infinity. Axie’s growth has been impressive to say the least. Currently, the game boasts over 300,000 DAUs, an increase of more than 30x since the beginning of the year. Read more about Axie’s journey and how to use MetaMask to enter this exciting space; detailed instructions about getting set up on the Axie sidechain are available here. |
ETHGlobal HackMoney Hackathon Winners
MetaMask sponsored the ETHGlobal HackMoney hackathon last month. We were seriously impressed with the projects that were submitted for MetaMask. Below the MetaMask winners who split the prize: |
Want to Build Web3.0? Join the MetaMask team
We are proud to be a partner of she256, which aims to serve women, nonbinary people, and underrepresented minorities in the blockchain space. Check out opportunities at MetaMask on the she256 job board
Make sure you check out the MetaMask jobs and Marketing Team jobs we’re hiring for at the ConsenSys Job Board. |
Keep on exploring! Remember, if you ever need a little help, head to our Community Support Channel or jump into the MetaMask Discord to connect with the team.
Team MetaMask |
Expanse Cash
Expanse Cash seeks to bring the promises of tomorrow, to the world of Decentralized Finance, with a goal of making it accessible to each and every person who wants to participate in DeFi to make money in the long term.
Expanse Cash will create a way to avoid the primary limitation in the DeFi Ecosystem which is Gas fees. Currently, the average contract interaction gas fee on the Ethereum Blockchain is $40~ USD.
Our Solution
By taking advantage of the Expanse Side-Chain, the Expanse Cash DeFi platform will be able to offer transaction fees that cost 1/100th of a cent each, or even lower. This is a major step in Decentralized finance because it allows anybody on planet earth with a connection to the internet to participate in staking for nearly nothing in terms of blockchain fees. We are looking to be able to host a 0.5% fixed daily return on investment, which can scale up to over 517% APY if reinvestments are made every day, which we are making easy by providing a function to exactly that.
The New Ecosystem
The new ecosystem that Expanse Cash will create is going to bring many people from all over the crypto space to come and create great returns for themselves using our platform. The question becomes, is it sustainable? We have done a lot of testing and research to see whether or not this type of market and staking can work together to generate real returns for everyone who uses it. We have found that this is by far the most efficient way to create a fast paced environment for finance where returns that you couldn't even dream of with stocks and ETFs become possible once just a small number of users begin To utilise any DeFi Platform to their benefit. This means that the more users are on the platform on a daily basis, the more sustainable the system becomes. Luckly, the Blockchain has no preference between people, first, or last, and they can all receive the exact same returns as they please. We have also determined that the maximum daily growth of the total number of coins is the same as the fixed daily return. This gives us a rough estimate as to when all the coins will be mined. To counter that, Expanse Cash will endure reward halvings at the same rate as Litecoin, with every new half of coins mined.
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